Example Creature
Difficulty #
Size # [frightening/horrifying] descriptor (special)
Perception # (+#)
Defense #; Health #
Strength # (+#), Agility # (+#), Intellect # (+#), Will # (+#)
Speed #
Defensive Trait Name and description of how it works.
Vulnerability Description of how it works.
Other Trait or Passive Talent Name and description of how it works.
Attack Options
Attack (melee; [reach +#]) +# [with # boon(s)] (damage [plus attack talent])
Attack (range) +# [with # boon(s)] (damage [plus attack talent])
Attack Talent Description of how it works.
Special Attacks
Name Description of how it works.
Special Actions
Name Description of how it works.
Power #
Tradition spell name (#), spell name (#)
End of the Round
Effect Description of what happens.
| creature name =
| difficulty = #
| size = #
| frightening =
| descriptor =
| special =
| perception = # (+#)
| special senses =
| defense = #
| armor =
| health = #
| strength = # (+#)
| agility = # (+#)
| intellect = # (+#)
| will = # (+#)
| speed =
| special movement =
| immune =
| additional features =
{{SOTDL/Feature|Defensive Trait|Name and description of how it works.}}
{{SOTDL/Feature|Vulnerability|Description of how it works.}}
{{SOTDL/Feature|Other Trait or Passive Talent|Name and description of how it works.}}
| attack options =
{{SOTDL/Feature|Attack|(melee; [reach +#]) +# [with # boon(s)] (damage [plus attack talent])}}
{{SOTDL/Feature|Attack|(range) +# [with # boon(s)] (damage [plus attack talent])}}
{{SOTDL/Feature|Attack Talent|Description of how it works.}}
| special attacks =
{{SOTDL/Feature|Name|Description of how it works.}}
| special actions =
{{SOTDL/Feature|Name|Description of how it works.}}
| magic =
{{SOTDL/Feature|Tradition|''spell name'' (#), ''spell name'' (#)}}
| end of the round =
{{SOTDL/Feature|Effect|Description of what happens.}}